Is it just me or do most women over 35 snap to attention at the mere mention of these words.
When did so many of the products in my bathroom start including these words?
OK, All the products in my bathroom have a reference to turning back the clock or an age demographic of some sort.
It began as a slow invasion of 1 or 2 products and then another and then another.The ones that just smelled good or felt good just faded away.
For me it did not start when I was 30 or 35, it started at about age 13. The age when I officially became a women. I blame it not on my entrance into the world of female maintainance but rather my grandfather.
As far as my memory goes back, I remember my grandfather slathering Pond's Cold cream on his face morning and night. He wasn't using it to clean his face, he was using it as a moisturizer. He always smelled of Ponds and Listerine. I think he was one of the world's first Metrosexual's.
He was a pastor and Evangelist and his appearance was very important to him. His calling and life's work took place in front of an audience mostly.After one trip to Jerusalem, he took to wearing a big silver cross in an ancient form on a long black leather strap. He also took to wearing a white mock turtle neck under a black polo shirt and coupled with that cross, many mistook him for a Catholic Priest. He was a bit of a prankster and loved to introduce his grandchildren to these people and see the look of confusion on their faces, a priest with grandchildren. Of course this was about 35-40 years ago when priests and hanky panky wasn't as common as it is today.
But I think his dedication to the daily application of the Pond's really sunk into my psyche. Around age 13, I began slathering creams, lotions and potions on my own face and neck. Not only was I crazy about Grandpa, but the proof of his wisdom was in his face. He always had the softest and unwrinkled skin. And until the day he died as a very old man, he still had the softest wrinkle free skin I have ever seen on a man, or women of that age either.
For the first 25 years my criteria for buying these things was 1)how it smelled and 2) how it smelled and 3) how the package looked.Maybe a little of how it felt.
I noticed the other day that I buy nothing now because of the way it smells, unless its only purpose is to smell nice. In my shower I have Skin Re hydration Shower Gel, Sugar scrub to slough off the dead skin on my body and Apricot Scrub for my face. I would venture that an aging or dead cell has about a 24hour lifespan on my being.
It's out with the Dead and in with the New!
Once out of the shower then its on to Detoxifying with Vitamin B, Green Tea and Vitamin E.
Followed by antioxidants and anti free radicals and collegen boosters.
I will attempt to restore my face to the vital and luminous skin of my youth.T
he Anti Fatigue Eye cream, followed by the Daily Regenerating Serum and then a final layer of Anti Wrinkle Firming Moisture Lotion.
Special attention is given to the neck, that measuring stick of age on women.
And since I gag at the mere thought of a turtleneck or scarf, they both make me feel like I am strangling, my neck will always be out there for the world to see.
Now the territory below the collarbone is slathered and sheathed in Pro Age Cream oil at night and Pro Age Body lotion during the day. The feet get sanded down and anointed with Burt's Bee's Coconut Foot Cream. The one thing that I use that does smell good. Sadly, its on my feet.
Even my eyes have had their own youthful recharge. After two years of needing both my contacts and reading glasses and being too chicken for LASIX, technology has finally given me a non surgical helping hand. One eye has a multi focal lens and the other a torque lens and TA DA! I have the vision of my youth sans glasses.Because no matter how wrinkle free and rejuvenated you look, whipping out those little specs to read the menu is a dead on age beacon.
But you know I have never been one who was bothered at all about whatever number my age was currently on.
Never lied about it.
Never wanted to go back to being 20 or 30 or even 40.
I love being 47.
I love everyday that has gotten me here. I love being probably the oldest Mom of a 1st grader at our school.
It makes me feel younger to have young kiddos. It forces me to be younger and it gives me the excuse to act younger also.
So I guess I buy these products and engage in my daily ritual, not to look younger but just not to look any older. At least for a while anyway.
I guess they must be working.
I've never been mistaken for my son or daughter's grandmother.
Not yet anyway.
But just to be on the safe side, I think a shopping expedition for something that just smells good and does nothing else is in order.